Saturday, August 2, 2008

from a box?

Here are some pictures from yesterday's "Olympic Games". They are always a hoot. Well, it's just past midnight and I need to go to bed so I can get up to make pancakes for 32 people (I'll explain that tomorrow).

This evening, I have been doing some more research on "learning styles" which I will be teaching next week. With the exquisite smell of mosquito coil swirling around my ankles, I'm listening to The Cat Empire and drinking wine from a box and indulging in some Roquefort cheese that I found at the expensive supermarket downtown.

(It was on sale because it was past it's due-date, but hey, it's blue cheese!! What's it gonna do, go mouldy?!) Well, OK, I'm not actually drinking the wine OUT of the box, but the spanish Sangaria is so cheap that it does come in a cardboard tetra-pak and from there I pour it into my fancy wine glass (read coffee mug).

Life's all about the finer things!

This afternoon, I went out to get a visa for my bike-trip and was very proud of myself for remembering to bring my passport, vaccination card and money. Of course I got there and realized that I forgotten the obvious (passport photos). How do you translate "the story of my life" into French?

Quote for the day:

"We can not develop people. They can only develop themselves."

J. Nyerere (first president of Tanzania)

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